The Balkans long road to embracing Sustainability

The Balkans have a long road ahead in their journey towards sustainability. One significant challenge is the influence of Russia and China, who are major investors in the region's energy and industrial sectors. These countries have helped drive the region's reliance on coal, which currently provides almost 70% of the Balkans' electricity. As a result, the Balkans are known for having some of the worst air quality in Europe and are two to five times more energy-intensive than the EU average.

In addition to the energy sector, China also has controlling interests in other polluting industries such as mining, heavy industry, and transport infrastructure in the Balkans. Chinese projects in the region have also faced criticism for their lack of environmental impact assessments and poor environmental standards.

In 2020, the Balkans released a green agenda for the Western Balkans, outlining their plan to move towards sustainability. However, the challenge will be in implementing this plan and breaking free from their dependence on Russia and China, both of which have significant influence in the region. It remains to be seen whether the Balkans will have the political will to make the necessary changes to achieve their sustainability goals.


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